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    Aquarium plants in-vitro

    We order plants from our suppliers two times/week. The most up-to-date aquarium plants are in-vitro plants. At the moment, we've got about 90 different sorts in stock. These are very strong plants which are free Show more



    262 Products
    Tropica Staurogyne Repens 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Eriocaulon Cinereum 1-2-Grow! (Advanced)
    In stock
    Tropica Riccia Fluitans 1-2-Grow! (medium)
    In stock

    Featured brands for Aquarium plants in-vitro

    • Aqua Art
    • Aqua Art
    • AquaFlora
    • AquaFluer
    • Aquaflora
    • Aquascaper.be
    • Dennerle
    • Dennerle
    • HortiLab
    • Tropica
    • Tropica
    • Tropica
    Tropica Monosolenium Tenerum 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Tropica Cryptocoryne undulatus 'Red' 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Tropica Helanthium Bolivianum 'Quadricostatus' 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    LimnophilaAromatica In Vitro

    LimnophilaAromatica In Vitro

    > Interesting form of the Aromatic Limnophila
    In stock
    Taxiphyllum Giant Moss in vitro

    Taxiphyllum Giant Moss in vitro

    > Similar to javamos, but bigger
    > Long branche...
    In stock
    Cryptocoryne Pygmaea in vitro

    Cryptocoryne Pygmaea in vitro

    > Rare cryptocoryne from the Philippines> Small ...
    In stock
    Echinodorus Reni - In vitro

    Echinodorus Reni - In vitro

    'Reni' is a well-known cultivar that is characte...
    In stock
    Tropica Pogostemon Decadensis - erectus 1-2-grow! (medium)
    In stock
    Tropica Riccardia chamedryfolia Mos In Vitro
    In stock
    Murdannia Keisak

    Murdannia Keisak

    This bamboo-like straw plant is not grass. It co...
    In stock
    Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Mini Mini'

    Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Mini Mini'

    > New, especially small-leaved Anubia's> robust,...
    In stock
    Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss Portion

    Taxiphyllum Spiky Moss Portion

    Spiky is Asian and becomes 2-10 cm high. Best t...
    In stock
    € 9,95
    € 7,95
    Nesaea pedicellata Golden - Pot

    Nesaea pedicellata Golden - Pot

    "Golden" is a wonderful selection of Ammannia pe...
    In stock
    Tropica Bacopa Australis

    Tropica Bacopa Australis

    > Bright green straw plant
    > If the circumstance...
    In stock
    Alternanthera Reineckii Purple in vitro
    In stock
    Eleocharis Parvula - In vitro

    Eleocharis Parvula - In vitro

    A low eleocharis who forms foothills near the pa...
    In stock
    Hygrophila Siasensis XL

    Hygrophila Siasensis XL

    Large mother plant, grown in a square pot of 9 c...
    In stock
    € 24,95
    € 12,95
    Eriocaulon sp. Polaris in vitro

    Eriocaulon sp. Polaris in vitro

    > Rare Eriocaulon
    > Elegous leaf roses
    > Very ...
    In stock
    Tropica Cyperus Helferi

    Tropica Cyperus Helferi

    > Grasy high-growing rosette plant
    > Elegant ap...
    In stock
    Vesicularia Ferriei Weeping Moss Portion
    In stock
    Anubias Barteri Var. Caladiifolia XL

    Anubias Barteri Var. Caladiifolia XL

    Anubias Barteri Var. Caladiifolia XL, big mother...
    In stock

    Aquarium plants in-vitro

    In-vitro aquarium plants for aquascaping. In-vitro aquarium plants are the future of aquarium plants. At the moment, we've got about 90 different sorts in stock. 

    These plants are produced under sterile conditions in a laboratory. These are very strong plants and free from pesticides, algae, snails, parasites and disease. It's wonderful to bring your aquascape to the next stage with super-healthy plants.

    They are very easy to transport and when you get them, you don't have to plant them immediately. Keep the lid closed and they will be good for 1 to 2 weeks in a cool, bright place.

    With the right aquarium fertiliser these plants will grow two to three times more quickly than traditional aquarium plants. 

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