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    In-vitro aquarium plants

    The future of aquarium plants belongs to in-vitro aquarium plants. We have a very extensive range with more that 90 sorts always in stock! These plants are produced under sterile conditions in a laboratory. These are very strong plants Show more



    129 Products
    Eleocharis Parvula Minima

    Eleocharis Parvula Minima

    A low eleocharis who forms foothills near the pa...
    In stock
    € 29,95
    € 19,95
    Bucephalandra Brownie Ghost - In Vitro

    Bucephalandra Brownie Ghost - In Vitro

    > Wide elliptical leaf with wavy leaf edge> Dark...
    In stock

    Featured brands for In-vitro aquarium plants

    • Aqua Art
    • Aqua Art
    • AquaFlora
    • AquaFluer
    • Aquaflora
    • Dennerle
    • Dennerle
    • HortiLab
    • Tropica
    • Tropica
    • Tropica
    € 29,95
    € 14,95
    Bucephalandra Brownie Purple

    Bucephalandra Brownie Purple

    > Bushy, compact growth
    > Small leaves
    > Brown...
    In stock
    € 89,99
    € 79,99
    Tropica Plant set 12x 1-2-Grow!

    Tropica Plant set 12x 1-2-Grow!

    Tropica Plant set 12x 1-2-Grow! 1-2-Grow! (Easy)...
    In stock
    € 24,95
    € 19,95
    Hygrophila Lancea Chai In Vitro

    Hygrophila Lancea Chai In Vitro

    > Unique pink Hygrophila
    > Bushy, low growth ha...
    Out of stock
    Tropica Cryptocoryne Nurii Rosen Maiden Limited edition In Vitro
    In stock
    Tropica Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba' 1-2-Grow
    In stock
    Tropica Limnobium Laevigatum 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Tropica Phyllanthus Fluitans 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Limnophila australis - in vitro

    Limnophila australis - in vitro

    This species also calls the giant limnophila. Th...
    In stock
    Ludwigia sphaerocarpa 'Pilosa' in-vitro
    In stock
    € 19,95
    € 14,95
    Cryptocoryne wendtii Flamingo - limited edition
    In stock
    Ludwigia sp. White - In vitro

    Ludwigia sp. White - In vitro

    Ludwigia sp. White also like Ludwigia Sp. Pink. ...
    In stock
    Tropica Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' 1-2-Grow! (medium)
    In stock
    Bucephalandra sp. 'Theia Red'

    Bucephalandra sp. 'Theia Red'

    > Horizontal growth habit > Broad, rather soft l...
    In stock
    climacium japonicum In Vitro

    climacium japonicum In Vitro

    This plant is not really recommended for underwa...
    In stock
    Tropica Lobelia cardinalis Mini - In Vitro
    In stock
    Tropica Staurogyne Repens 1-2-Grow! (Easy)
    In stock
    Hygrophila polysperma

    Hygrophila polysperma

    > Light leaf veins> Light green shades
    > Easy t...
    In stock
    Tropica Rotala Rotundifolia H'ra '1-2-Grow! (medium)
    In stock
    Tropica Spirodela polyrrhiza 1-2 grow

    Tropica Spirodela polyrrhiza 1-2 grow

    Spirodela polyrrhiza, also known as Great Duckwe...
    In stock
    Bacopa Salzmannii Purple - In Vitro

    Bacopa Salzmannii Purple - In Vitro

    > Spectacular colour form of Salzmann's water hy...
    In stock

    In-vitro aquarium plants

    The future of aquarium plants belongs to in-vitro aquarium plants. We have a very extensive range with more that 90 sorts always in stock!

    These plants are produced under sterile conditions in a laboratory. These are very strong plants which are free from pesticides, algae, snails, parasites and disease. It's wonderful to bring your aquascape to the next stage with super-healthy plants.

    They are very easy to transport and when you get them, you don't have to plant them immediately. Keep the lid closed and they will be good for 1 to 2 weeks in a cool, bright place.

    With the right aquarium fertiliser these plants will grow two to three times more quickly than traditional aquarium plants because they are already used to life under water. This means that they are able to start growing as soon as they are planted.

    Our in-vitro plants are extremely fresh and available immediately. In-vitro plants can also be used for a 'dry start' or a Wabi-Kusa.

    We have in-vitro plants from Tropica, HortiLab and AquaFlora.

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