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    20 Products
    Potassium nitrate - KNO3

    Potassium nitrate - KNO3

    500 gr potassium nitrate - KNO3, potassium nitrate stimulates the growth of aquarium plants

    In stock
    € 9,95
    Chihiros Dosing pump

    Chihiros Dosing pump

    The world's first professional freshwater aquascape dosing system - Chihiros Dosing Pump has multiple mode settings and supports independent settings for four pump heads

    The total daily dose per head can be from 0.2ml up to 999.9ml in increments of 0.1

    In stock
    € 165,95
    GH/KH Plus

    GH/KH Plus

    Some minerals are required by all living organisms in your aquarium. Dosing GH/KH Plus is recommended if you are using RO water and don't have any materials in your aquarium that provides these required minerals raising water hadness during this process.

    In stock
    € 15,95

    Featured brands for Powder form

    • 2Hr Aquarist
    • Aquascaper.be
    • Chihiros
    • Jebao
    • Miernik
    GH Plus

    GH Plus

    Soft water is essential for planted tanks, but keeping livestock in pure RO water is not possible.

    Green Aqua GH Plus has especially developed for raising the GH level (General Hardness) without significantly raises the KH level. (Carbonate Hardness).

    In stock
    € 14,95
    Jebao Smart Doser Wifi

    Jebao Smart Doser Wifi

    > Easy programming on your smartphone
    > The setting of the smartphone can save time for beginners and more accuracy to prevent input errors on the traditional LCD dosing pump
    > Ideal for dosing plant food
    > Max program 24 times a day per pump

    In stock
    € 139,95
    MyAqua pH / TDS / EC meter

    MyAqua pH / TDS / EC meter

    The ARKA myAQUA® pH/TDS/EC measuring device is a practical instrument for quickly and accurately determining various water parameters. These include the dissolved solids count (TDS), the electrical conductivity (EC), the pH value and the temperature of wa

    In stock
    € 44,95
    Chihiros TDS Meter

    Chihiros TDS Meter

    > Fast and accurate
    > Compact Design
    > TDS and temperature 2in1

    In stock
    € 10,95
    MyAqua pH meter

    MyAqua pH meter

    > For determining the pH-value
    > From pH 0,00 - 14,00
    < Measures in 0,01 steps
    > Incl. battery

    ARKA myAQUA pH meter enables fast and accurate determination of the pH value of water and other liquids. The measuring range extends from pH 0 - 14 in 0,0

    In stock
    € 21,95
    Potassium phosphate - KH2po4

    Potassium phosphate - KH2po4

    100 gr potassium phosphate - kh2po4, potassium phosphate is breadn necessary for your aquarium plants, too little potassium phosphate causes malformations and stops the growth of your aquarium plants.

    In stock
    € 4,99
    Potassium sulfate 500 gr - K2SO4

    Potassium sulfate 500 gr - K2SO4

    500 gr potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium sulfate stimulates the growth of aquarium plants

    In stock
    € 7,99
    Calcium sulfate - Caso4

    Calcium sulfate - Caso4

    500 gr calcium sulfate - Caso4, is your calcium content too low or use your RO water? Then this very pure calcium sulfate is ideal to increase your calcium levels.

    In stock
    € 7,99
    Magnesium sulfate "MGSO4

    Magnesium sulfate "MGSO4

    500 gr magnesium sulfate "MgSO4, magnesium sulfate is too often underestimated and forgotte, this is necessary for a healthy growth of the aquarium plants.

    In stock
    € 4,99
    Aquascaper trace elements

    Aquascaper trace elements

    Aquascaper trace elements 50 gr, mixture of trace elements, contains; Calcium (ca), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (mo), and zinc (zn). All elements are completely water-soluble and the metals, except iron, are in EDTA chela

    In stock
    € 9,95
    Iron - Fe DTPA

    Iron - Fe DTPA

    50 gr iron - Fe in powder form 7% DTPA chelate form - stable to a pH of 8.

    Iron prevents chlorosis (short greenery) and gives you plants more color. Iron is indispensable for your plants. Manual is included.

    In stock
    € 7,99
    Ro plus remineralization

    Ro plus remineralization

    500 gro plus remineralization contains everything you need to get an ideal GH and KH value for a planted aquarium, remineralization of osmosis water. Bevat enkel zuivere grondstoffen zonder toevoegingen

    In stock
    € 29,95
    Potassium sorbate E202

    Potassium sorbate E202

    50 gr potassium sorbate E202 is not actually any plant food but a safe preservative. Potassium sorbate ensures that your stock solution will not be fungus and save longer. Please note: this does not change the relegation of iron chelates.

    In stock
    € 14,95
    Dosing sprayer

    Dosing sprayer

    Dosing syringe, allows you to dose your plant food easily and accurately. Ideal for a nano aquarium.

    In stock
    € 2,70
    Estimative Index Kit - PPS-PRO

    Estimative Index Kit - PPS-PRO

    Estimative index kit contains everything you need to make your plant food. Potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, trace elements and iron.

    In stock
    € 44,95
    APT Sky - remineralisation

    APT Sky - remineralisation

    Discover new possibilities with SKY-boosted water.
    Enable shrimps and hardwater plants to thrive together with softwater plants*.
    Replenish all vital minerals in RO/ RODI water with no negative altering of NPK, KH or pH.

    Each 3.5g / 5ml per 60L adds

    In stock
    € 17,95
    Potty Plant fertilization Lean dosing - 200 gr

    Potty Plant fertilization Lean dosing - 200 gr

    Potty Plant fertilization Lean dosing - 200 gr

    In stock
    € 29,-

    Powder form

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